Most internet users are do-nothing basement dwellers


The updated results...indicated that the number of people who click on display ads in a month has fallen from 32 percent of Internet users in July 2007 to only 16 percent in March 2009, with an even smaller core of people (representing 8 percent of the Internet user base) accounting for the vast majority (85 percent) of all clicks.


Back when I spent two years as an 'opportunistic statistical hire' exploring the Evil Empire in its lesser hold, Dol Guldur/Redmond, I picked up two interesting factoids.[1]

1/ spam isn't due to spammers. It's due to people who CLICK on spam (idiots). 'Hotmail' researchers learned there was a surefire way to eliminate spam on the platform. As soon as anyone signed up for a 'free email'.... offer them several bits of juicy spam. If they clicked on ANY OF IT nuke them with fire. Problem solved. Management, however, wouldn't let them use the obvious eugenic solution.

2/ At some point, all 'paid search platforms' learn this horrible fact: the people who actually click on ads are people who LIKE clicking on ads, not people with money. This is bad for business and all 'search engines' are in fact scamming their clients, once they learn that no one can make money that way.

They are approximately at the point (recounted in Fussell's book _Class_[2]) where the network broadcasters realised that the average person watching 'Roller Derby' was *institutionalized* - either a prisoner who would look at anything female, or a nursing home patient with daytime TV as the only option. But no one with actual Zogbux. So they cancelled Roller Derby. I hate you, networks.

I hate you, Jew Broadcasters. BRING BACK RAT CITY!

I was once as a much younger fellow in line at a 'Safeway' grocery store checkout, behind in the queue (still my beating heart) an actual Rat City Roller Girl. I was too shy to ask for an autograph though.



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Great factoids. It seems to me that like the media, Big Tech has picked a subset of the audience it can reliably use for statistics who are not relevant in real life. Unfortunately, the media uses them as a poll of what society at large is feeling.