The New Age UFO Cult behind 'Celestial Seasonings' Tea





About the Evola/Urania and Urantia Foundation connection:

> It’s hard to say. The Urantia Book was so influential in the early company culture that its ideas might still be baked into the company. Mo Siegel retired from Celestial Seasonings almost two decades ago...

and there is no evidence that the company and The Urantia book or The Urantia Foundation are still linked. The best case scenario is that your sleepytime tea comes with an “inspirational” tea tag that was derived from a racist eugenics book written by aliens. Do [as thou wilt].

> The Urantia Foundation placed the three blue concentric circles logo on the cover of The Urantia Book and has a United States trademark for that symbol. The circles are also used with foundation approval to indicate other affiliated organizations.

There is also a three square circle logo - 'squaring the circle'. Deep Indiana Legislature lore maybe.

Alternatively, you can go straight to the Urania Aphrodite literature and read Evola's 'Metaphysics of Sex'… ... you will never drink Celestial Seasonings Herb Tea in innocence again