Macrobius Dreams of the Fire Map


I don't experience 'sleep paralysis' specifically, but sometimes, when I am in the 'Tinkerbelle' state between sleep and waking, I do experience a vision of the Operating System of the Simulation... meaning I sometimes see the code etc. *behind* Reality, or the Matrix if you will.

The JuPyteR Matrix of Everything. Hit Shift-Enter and wake up.

This morning I woke as usual about 30 minutes before my alarm went off, and then fell deep into REM, being woken 45 minutes later by my faithful cat (my android alarm failed because the battery went to 0)

In my final dream of however many sessions... you never really remember them all... I had a vision of a map -- the map is not the territory you know. It was a bit like a VR map though, or a hologram, because you could look at it, manipulate it, and pretty much 'spawn' at any spot on it. Then you could look around you at that spot, and see what was happening... anywhere on the globe.

The primary feature of the map (which reminded me of the moon-roon map that Elrond interpreted, and because of the G5 magnetic storm last night, the Aurora was on full display...) was that parts of the world cartogram were, in fact on fire. The fire on the map wasn't like the paper burning, but more like cities burning... when I investigated the fire, I didn't have the sense it was a nuclear apocalypse, a climate crisis (not even the Van Allen Radiation Belts bursting into fire...), but it was STARTED BY THE PEOPLE THEMSELVES.

Mostly, it was the cities that were burning on what my dream told me was 'the fire map' -- perhaps the simulation that used to determine where revolts will happen.

But by far the most striking feature of the map, besides a general similarity to the 'four coasts' map or the map of the Republic of Gilead... was

Nearly all China was in flame. Not just a small revolt in a few blue coastal states, or a couple of dots of rebellion as on the rest of the planet... but the whole damn country was in a state of complete rebellion. Whole provinces were aflame.

Now, I don't know if the elites have seers like me, and if they have the map, but I suspect they do. I think perhaps they have seen that map, and thought about it, and that what they are doing now might be *preparing* for it.


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