Insights from the Left that Dissident Right can appreciate


The Dissident Right can admit that some Far Left assertions, like their claims about the true history of American "gun rights," are not entirely incorrect:



It sometimes happens that even people whom we generally approve of end up in the position of "defending the indefensible." Like when pro-Third Reich apologists and revisionists try to pretend that Nazi Germany was some innocent poor dear that ended up in war entirely against its own will.

Likewise, Putin in his Tucker interview repeated some disingenuous Sovok-Stalinist party line pap about how the USSR was some kind of innocent poor victim in the WW II, which was obvious BS and an easy target for NAFOids to shoot at:



An Italian left-wing populist gives a well-earned putdown to Giorgia Meloni for her neocon leanings:



Dissident Rightists can at least partly agree with Norton here - namely, that in the time period when Western might and wealth were created, we were not yet any kind of "liberal democracies" by a long shot, but oftentimes ruthless right-wing authoritarians and colonialists. Only after the West had become rich, and inherited wealth and security had made its populations lazy, soft and decadent, did shitlib democracies emerge as a result of social decay (and active Leftist agitation and subversion) in the 20th century.

In other words, the West has not been "liberal democratic" for a very long time, but it is rather a recent modernist aberration:

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