The old Phora was a beautiful place...

Pastor Lindstedt

Possible NPC
Bronze Age Pervert was an account here (and in fact the well-known BAP -- probably the first time he used that name). He had others before that. Hyperion?
BAP was a phorfag balkanoid of the kind I used to love opening up a barrel of Genesis 3:15 balkanoid whup-ass on -- up until i got banned. BAP used to follow me on Twatter -- up until I got banned for cootempt of she-boon cum last November. Now BAP is the pet Neanderthal of the Claremore Cuckservantive set who love to get theys' manginas tickled by dreaming of hottt harddd balkanoid rough love.

Pastor Lindstedt

Possible NPC
Did this ever get made?
Back arounf Passover I went looking on VNNF for the 10th anusvershitty of TraitorGlenn Miller's gunning three mongrels at the Old Kike's Home in Kansas. Linder's virtual Colostomy bag is mainly dead.

The Old Bowel Movement is dead. We are talking about what was "new" post 1987-88 Ft. Smith Sedition Trial. In fact, GRIDS-GRindr Grifting Gaywall Greggie Johnson (Greggie5G) Joohnson is offering $500 raffle for people to respond to his survey. I did so and took a dark-Triad psychological test and rated 4.9 on te sociopath scale. Merely said "yes" to stupid questions such as "You prefet to kill police when they are not expecting it." Well, Duh yeah. Can't get a respectible body count when they know you are cummin'. I seen that the scale was from zero to five. Anyways Greggie5G may well be datamining like jewboy Linder usedtocould. Bi-polar Bradifer Griffin is letting his pub[l]ic mangina Lying Ryan/Wile W. Hibernigger fluff him before going all Cunthair Walrus when the Millennium Cycle cums around.

White Nationalism began when the Mississippi and Louisiana Klansmen got all pissed off that David Duck sold they's mailing addresses to Republican Bob Fowler running for Governor of Louisiana and the Duck wanting ZOGbux and whiggress pussy but not wanting to get his ass beat decided to go on the Internet as a "post Klansman" in th 90s. Now the sell-outs who went along with the Duck claim to be "White Nationalist 0.1" They were tedious tards back then and now they are tedious old senile lying tards now.

Hail Victory!!!

Pastor Martin Lindstedt
Churc of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations of Missouri


A Mybb kaneforum would requite nothing but hosting, dump the v-bulletin/Xenforo skinsuit.
IMHO consider SMF as well: low load, not big on fancy features, but expandable through plugins, and they have kept it going for two decades.

On social media's herpetic GRIDS-ridden weiner: well, yes, very true :)


The Old Bowel Movement is dead.
I remember you from back in the day. I agree that White Nationalism is dead. Here's why:
  1. It has been made irrelevant by mainstream politicians talking about immigration, globalism, and ethno-nationalism. Trump rode a wave he saw coming out of Europe and Israel here.
  2. Racial nationalism has died. After seventy years of trying to unite "whites" (hwites), the WN bunglers realized that it was not happening. Europids identify as Southern, Eastern, Western, or Mediterranean European and there is no unity.
The future is ethno-nationalism, not racial nationalism, and the battle is now waged in the mainstream. I stay out of scene gossip, but I am glad to see that many of the Old Guard have continued onward.


I'm working on a 'new architecture for the crust'... I recommend all members and users to install the following software. ... verify you can see the 'Buck Bunny' video then turn it off (don't leave it on unless you want a lot of bandwidth bills -- you almost certainly want to be a "leech" unless you know what you are doing). TURN IT OFF AFTER TESTING.

Web Torrent is a bit torrent client that runs in a browser (i.e. most people can use it if they have a link). It does *not* use the BitTorrent/Pirate Bay network and what it mostly allows is for people to watch videos in an uncensorable way (or grab content like images and PDFs), in their browsers, without being subject to (((well you know))). [[ Techies: the underlying tek is just WebRTC and there are a lot of complexities I'll discuss on a techie-level thread ]]

This is what 95% of crustal consumers want to have happen. 5% (or whatever) are content creators, and that's a harder path.

Watching the Culver's video from MacroTube on WebTorrent right now... 'It works for me'... explainations to follow


If you know how to use a magnet link (on WebTorrent, not BitTorrent python network!)

Go to `` and just download using the magnet link.

You turn this software or if you want to look at something or download it. Or stand by for instructions on how to just link stuff and you WON'T NEED TO INSTALL OR DO ANYTHING JUST CLICK. That's what this is about for 99% of all people.

Private P2P filesharing can be done at this kind of link:

Click to share: <- if you can't download and view the mp4, let me know your problems in a DM (note this is a private sharing service and you might have to contact me for a test that it works, so I leave my side up - if the sender exits before the receiver receives, it doesn't work)
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There's a list of file-sharing services here:

I guess we can torrent everything, but this probably best done through a VPN.
Absolutely agreed. Or even TOR + VPN. I'll be talking about privacy/security too.

The end-user (99% of membership) won't want to 'do torrenting'... they'll want a link they can click on and see content. That's why *WEB* Torrents and WebRTC tech. My reco for installing software is about enabling that regime. Most people shouldn't see any change, or need to install anything. Sharing content isn't easy, and Freedom isn't Free.

Time to start thinking about what we need to be doing, rather than what we are doing.

Torrenting is more for effenciency, because paying for expensive services is a bitch, and people will just use Gab or Telegram or the latest honeypot (whatever that is) if it doesn't work FAST. Messaging, Artifact download and Streaming are three different services. Threaded discussions build on all of them.

If we can give content creators an easy way to distribute, and content consumers a distributed and performant streaming service, it will be for the best.
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If we can give content creators an easy way to distribute, and content consumers a distributed and performant streaming service, it will be for the best.
Funny you mention this. We used to run a DC++ hub. This could be accessed only through an app (or software for you old school types). The advantage was that it cut off casual traffic and was basically off the radar. Since most of what DC++ was known for was music and software sharing/piracy, this made it an ideal place to hide political material in plain sight. The big problem with it is that by pandering to the hardcores, you miss the casuals, although most of those are stuck on social media it seems.


No particular need to move poasts around but I've created a fork for continuing the (valuable) tech discussion above.

This doesn't mean the new thread has to be 'totally techie'... on the contrary... I think 'WN 1.0 communication patterns -- what worked and what didn't' are VERY topical for the new thread.


I think 'WN 1.0 communication patterns -- what worked and what didn't' are VERY topical for the new thread.
I agree and would add that communication has not changed.

What is great about forums these days is that we are off the radar as all the normies rush toward social media.

The darkside of that is that it is harder to reach normies, but the plus side is that we are not associated with the source of what more people now recognize as cultivated lies.

If someone wants to find out more, they will come to these forums. Interestingly the gun folks were the first to figure this out.

IMHO WN 1.0 is obsolete. It never really worked, but enough of us realized that Western Civilization is tied to genetics (race, ethnicity, class, and individual) that it woke up a generation or two. Black metal helped, then Trump.

WN 2.0 would be the general knowledge of ethnonationalism that is rising in the population. Diversity has failed and immigration is threatening even bourgeois lifestyles.

This provokes panic in the unpunished herd.

At the core of being genetically-aware is recognizing that herd decision mechanisms like democracy and socialism are fatal. Diversity is an offshoot of these, as Plato and Aristotle noted:


Grug Arius

Phorus Primus
Staff member
Whatever happened to some of those other classic Phora poasters?
Jake Featherston
Julian Lee
Jake Featherston - logs in here rarely but he is a member
Azimuth = Cole (admin here)
Julian Lee - on youtube hasnt poasted a vid in a while, hopefully he's doin well
Burrhus - long gone, likely has left the planet
Bardamu - has been gone for about a month